Wednesday, February 6, 2008

After winning the democratic primary in California and New York it’s going to be hard to beat Hillary Clinton. Obama is hanging on, but the momentum of Hillary post Super Tuesday is immense. Even the Republican Party is expected to have a hard time competing. John McCain may have an outstanding amount of support relative to other Republican presidential candidate hopefuls, but will find it hard to obtain the votes of the most conservative voters.

“If John McCain is the Republican candidate I’d vote for Hillary to have the Democrats screwing up the country so the Republican Party can get back the White House in four years,” one loving, but sadly, Republican man said.

At this point a vote for Hillary is a vote I like. I have faith in her. If the contest for the White House will be Clinton against McCain, and assuming whoever is elected is a successful leader, won’t some good come from either scenario? If Hillary wins and has a successful term progressive politics will have gained support in another branch of government. If McCain wins and has a successful term the Republican Party will hopefully become less conservative along with him.

If the Republican Party is reshaped through John McCain I’d be able to put up with him in office for eight years. For now, I’ll focus on the happier, more possible every day scenario of Clinton in the White House.

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